Friday, June 20, 2008

Response to questions about program

What do you write about?
Try something on the theme of Learning 2.0.

What do you hope to learn from the program? - range of possibilities inherent in social networking, see wide range of well selected examples of what already done, see how they can be manipulated, how to use them effectively.

What do you think about Lifelong Learning? - I think we continue learning throughout our lives whether we aim to or not, the power we have is over what it is we learn

What other blogs have you discovered? What do you like about them? - the ones I have seen are the examples provided. I like the two way flow of information, I like the way information can be shaped as the 'document' (?) is created, that it is an ongoing, evolving process - I find that exciting - I find it empowering as a reader that I have access to the skills and knowledge of the readers as the content increases. This doesn't mean I think the focus, single author nature of a book is less, just that it is different and that it does something a book doesn't.

Can you see a use for blogs inside the Library? - Yes - for feedback - both ways, advertising library resources and services as needs arise (eg. needs during semester are different to break times and this could be reflected in content and input), keeping users up to date, mainly for the chance for two way construction of content.

How about blogging for a client audience? - I'm not sure what the question is here - blogging for an audience seems obvious?

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